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Did you know there’s an untapped potential in the world of rifles that many may not be aware of? At American Rifle Magazines, we’re dedicated to ensuring you get the most out of your firearms. Have you ever questioned whether your 7-shot 580 series rifle could offer you more versatility? The answer lies in a remarkable compatibility feature involving our Marlin 10 round 590 magazines, offered in Nickel Plated and Black Oxide finishes. This blog aims to unveil the facts and benefits surrounding this compatibility, offering you a clear path to enhancing your shooting experience. Understanding Our 10 Shot .22...

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With a rich and vibrant history that has lasted for over 200 years, Remington has commanded a respected position in the firearm industry. Since the company’s creation in 1816 by Eliphalet Remington II, generations of Americans have relied on Remington rifles for a variety of purposes. One of the reasons for their dominance in the firearm industry is their constant innovation, resulting in rifles that continue to have a prominent place in firearm users’ gun cabinets.    Remington History   In 1816 when Remington first began manufacturing rifle barrels, they were created with the long and tedious process of hand forging:...

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As America’s oldest firearm company, Remington has a strong reputation for creating and manufacturing guns that meet the wide range of needs within the firearm enthusiast community. Their bolt-action rifles have a long history of reliability and accuracy, becoming vital parts of any rifle-users collection. One rifle that holds a place of importance for many rifle users, the Remington 783, was launched in 2013 and is known for its functionality and accuracy. Though it is considered a budget rifle, it has the longevity that would appeal to many rifle owners. In order to extend the life of this excellent rifle...

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You have spent hours researching the best type of firearm for your needs and have finally landed on a Marlin rifle. These rifles come from one of the oldest gunmaker brands and have a positive reputation among firearm owners. Though the company has experienced many ups and downs throughout its history, one thing that has remained the same is the quality of the rifles manufactured. Many Americans like you also appreciate that these rifles are still made in the United States.    Caring For Your Marlin Rifle   The significant benefits of Marlin rifles are their longevity and dependability. If properly...

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Today, the Marlin Firearms Company may be best known for its high-quality, small-caliber, semi-auto, and lever action rifles. In its 150+ years of history, Marlin has manufactured almost every type of firearm and survived two World Wars, the Great Depression, and a long history of ups and downs. Marlin firearms have been used for purposes like hunting, personal protection, and even war. The following dates are historical highlights of this influential company:   1870s John Mahlon Marlin left a Colt plant and began making firearms under his own name. The firearms he built include multiple single-shot models and revolvers. Because of...

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